Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bloggers for Field Project

I wasn't sure I wanted to post about this since it's a real netroots movement, and not headed up by the campaign, but it's just too great of an idea not to post.

A bunch of bloggers have set up a Act Blue website Bloggers for Field Project. It is a collective effort of Virginia Progressive bloggers.

This is how Bryan Scraffor of Ambivalent Mumblings describes the project.

An Act Blue site has been set up in order to raise money for the Hurst campaign. Through this site, donors would be able to assist Andy's ability to reach out to voters across District 11. The first $4,000 raised will go towards hiring a field organizer, and the rest of it would be used as the campaign sees fit, with the understanding that it must be used for voter contact, or other field activities. The organizers of this site would also like to have the support of a vast number of bloggers, not just one person in particular.

That's right, even though the campaign isn't directing this movement, we have agreed to allow bloggers and more importantly contributors to dictate how we will be spending thier contributions. And Personally, having spent most of my career in field, I think this is the best way money should be spent, so I'm excited about this project. Both myslef and my girlfriend have given personal money to this project, and I respectfully ask that everyone reading this do as well, even if it's just $11.

Nate de la Piedra is the Online Outreach Coordinator for the Andrew Hurst for Congress 2006 Campaign. The ideas expressed herein belong to Nate de la Piedra and do not necessarily represent those of Andrew Hurst, his advisors, staff, or "The Campaign".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andy spends the money as carefully as if it's his own. He has a goal of knocking on a certain number of doors - I forget the exact goal - but I remember he passed the halfway mark before he was halfway through, and with the great canvassing turnout and the great weekend weather he must be close to the goal even with weeks left to go. Thisis a time-tested method. Voters ARE swayed by the infectious enthusiasm. This project can win the race!