Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hurst Pulls No Punches at Candidates Forum

Washington Jewish Weekly recently wrote up a great summary, Va. candidates spliton Iraq, immigrationIsrael barely mentioned as Beth El Hebrew hosts panel(sic), of a candidates forum held at the Beth El Hebrew Congregation at the Alexandria Reform synagogue's Brotherhood political brunch. Tom Davis did not attend and sent his wife Jeannemarie Devolites Davis while Andy Hurst represented himself.

Hurst said that Davis' consistent backing of President George W. Bush's "stay-the-course" Iraq policy is one of the chief reasons he is challenging Davis.
"Iraq is gong nowhere, the occupation is not fixing anything ‹ it's hurting things," said Hurst. If "you trust [Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld] with security, I have a bridge I want to sell you."
Iraq "won't stabilize until we leave," he said.

Nate de la Piedra is the Online Outreach Coordinator for the Andrew Hurst for Congress 2006 Campaign. The ideas expressed herein belong to Nate de la Piedra and do not necessarily represent those of Andrew Hurst, his advisors, staff, or "The Campaign".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nate, I think Davis has found his strategy -- avoiding the tough questions. When Davis knows he'll be asked tough questions about Iraq, he sends his wife. Knowing Andy is a gentleman, he probably hopes Andy won't be as tough on her as he would be on Davis himself. Well, as long as she is willing to take a job from her husband's friend, sell access to his Committee, and appear to defend the indefensible, Andy needs to pull no punches.