Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy Election Day!!

[UPDATE] I will be live blogging the election over at RaisingKaine, here is The Link

It's E-DAY!!!! WOOOO!!!

and it's better than Christmas.

If you want to help out the Hurst Campaign on Election Day, just swing by our office before 7PM

11198 Suite D2 Lee Highway
Fairfax, Virginia 22030

We're Going to Braddock, then we're going to Springfield, then we're going to Mason, then we're going to Gainesville, then we're going all the way to the Sheraton in Tysons to take back the Capital, BYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!(sorry coudn't resist)

Nate de la Piedra is the Online Outreach Coordinator for the Andrew Hurst for Congress 2006 Campaign. The ideas expressed herein belong to Nate de la Piedra and do not necessarily represent those of Andrew Hurst, his advisers, staff, or "The Campaign".

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